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University of North Alabama College of Business

Carnes, Dr. Gregory A. Dean



Phone: 256.765.4261





UNA课程邀请函 | Management Policy

2024-02-28 14:49





签到时间:08:30 开始






签到时间:08:30 开始



Spring Semester

Course Introduction




MG 640

Management Policy


Management policy refers to the determination and selection of effective strategies for achieving objectives by the senior management of an enterprise on the basis of full analysis of the external environment and internal conditions for the long-term survival and development of the enterprise, and put it into practice to control and evaluate a dynamic management process. Strategies are indispensable for enterprises to survive, profit and even develop in the market economy. This course integrates knowledge from functional areas through both analysis of complex business problems and managing a simulated company. At the end of this course, students will be able to provide a detailed overview of the 5-step strategic management process, understand how industry, internal and external factors impact organizational strategies and success, develop an effective, detailed and integrated corporate, business, and functional strategies for an organization, identify and describe the complex relationships among the various functions of business, and conduct a comprehensive strategic analysis of an ongoing enterprise.


Profile of Professor


Dr. John A. Parnell

John A. Parnell博士,北阿拉巴马大学管理学教授和杰出商学学者。2002年以来,他担任北卡罗来纳大学彭布罗克分校(University of North Carolina-Pembroke)的威廉·亨利·贝尔克(William Henry Belk)管理主席,并在2014-2015学年担任临时院长。
Parnell博士获得了东卡罗莱纳大学(East Carolina University)的BSBA(市场营销)、工商管理硕士(MBA)和文学硕士学位,坎贝尔大学(Campbell University)的教育博士学位,以及孟菲斯大学(University of Memphis)的战略管理哲学博士学位。
Parnell博士是250多篇基础和应用研究文章和发表报告的作者。他获得了许多学术奖项,以在竞争战略、危机管理、商业道德和非市场战略方面的工作而闻名。他的研究发表在许多期刊上,包括《商业伦理杂志》、《管理学习与教育学会》、《管理决策》、《管理教育杂志》、《欧洲管理杂志》和《战略变革》。他是管理学会和私立企业教育协会(APEE)的积极成员。他撰写了几本教科书,并著有《战略管理:理论与实践》一书(2016,学术媒体解决方案,5e),《新战略格局中的危机管理》的合著者(2013, Sage出版社,2e)也是《商务英语》的联合编辑(2010,高等教育出版社,北京,2e)。
John A. Parnell, Ph.D. is a Professor of Management & Eminent Scholar of Business at the University of North Alabama. He held the William Henry Belk Chair of Management at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke since 2002, where he also served as Interim Dean during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Dr. Parnell earned the BSBA (Marketing), MBA, and MA degrees from East Carolina University, the Doctor of Education degree from Campbell University, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Strategic Management from the University of Memphis.
Dr. Parnell is the author of over 250 basic and applied research articles and published presentations. He has received numerous academic awards and is known for his work in competitive strategy, crisis management, business ethics, and nonmarket strategy. His work appears in numerous journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Management Decision, Journal of Management Education, the European Journal of Management, and Strategic Change. He is an active member of the Academy of Management and the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE). He has penned several textbooks and is the author of Strategic Management: Theory and Practice (2016, Academic Media Solutions, 5e), co-author of Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape (2013, Sage Publications, 2e) and co-editor of Business English (2010, Higher Education Press-Beijing, 2e).
Dr. Parnell served as a Fulbright Scholar in Cairo, Egypt in 1995. He has conducted lectures and executive development workshops in many countries, including China, Egypt, Mexico, and Peru. He has lectured numerous times at China University of Geosciences-Beijing and the EGADE Business School/Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico.


About Us


北阿拉巴马大学(University of North Alabama),简称UNA,创建于1830年, 是一所具有近两百年历史的州立大学,也是美国阿拉巴马州最古老的公立大学。UNA商学院是全球最高国际商管学院评鉴委员会AACSB会员,通过了AACSB的认证。AACSB是商学院的最高认证,全世界仅有不超过5%的商学院取得了这项精英认证。

University of North Alabama, or UNA for short, founded in 1830. It is a state university with a history of nearly 200 years, and it is the oldest public university in the state of Alabama, USA. The College of Business and Technology in UNA was certified through AACSB and it is a member of AACSB, which is the world's highest international business school evaluation committee. No more than 5 percent of the world's business schools have this elite accreditation.


The  curriculum of UNA-EMBA is designed to be adaptable to the Chinese market and the foresight of global market development. 

Focusing on the practicability in the field of expertise and logic between courses, it aims to create young elite future leaders who are both internationally competitive and well versed in China's national conditions.


Previous Courses


Previous Course | Enterprise Systems Analysis and Design

Previous Course | International Business Dynamics

Previous Course | Human Capital Development

Previous Course | Managerial Finance

Previous Course | Cost for Management Decision Analysis

Previous Course | Legal, Social, Ethical Environment of Global Business

Previous Course | Strategic Human Resources

Previous Course | Organizational Behavior



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